The Future Cone
In our briefing we were shown a diagram called the Future Cone, created by Joseph Voros’. The Future Cone is a visualisation of how future forecasting can work, and gives perimeters that can be applied to any scenarios created to help categorise their likelihood of happening.

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The Future cone is split into sections/categories, from it's centre outwards, showing the probability, preferability, possibility and plausibility of different future scenarios happening (as displayed above).
Possible futures are futures that could happen, however there may currently be restrictions preventing this, it is possible these could change over time.
Plausible futures are futures that could also happen, even in our present day. There are no technological/scientific restrictions for these futures.
Probably futures are futures that are likely to happen.
Preferable futures are futures we want to happen. They are more likely to be based on emotional factors.
I would like to experiment with using the Future Cone while working on this project since it should help me consider the plausibility and worthiness of future trends I may choose to explore.